619-846-0407 ahlingthayer@gmail.com


Postpartum doulas duties may include, but are not limited to: caring for the mother, giving her time to recuperate and relax, providing evidence-based information and support on breast and or bottle feeding, supplying baby care (multiple or single) information, performing household tasks, preparing meals, helping reduce family stress, screening for postpartum mood disorders, carrot fertility benefits, providing overnight care and assisting the family when traveling.  Offers infant soothing and coping skills such as the five S’s for new parents and makes appropriate referrals when necessary. We offer sleep conditioning to help create good sleeping habits for your newborn.  



Other Services

Sleep Training

Lactation Counseling

Nursery Planning

Placenta Encapsulation

Travel With A Doula

Carrot Fertility Benefits

Birth Doula

Get in Touch!

Ah-Ling Thayer

(619) 846-0407  
