619-846-0407 ahlingthayer@gmail.com

Mothering the Mother




Established 1994

What We Offer


North County Doulas  has been providing the San Diego California Community with professional postpartum support since 1994.  North County Doulas strives to provide high quality postpartum care to our clients.  We are available day or night throughout San Diego county. All postpartum doulas are trained and certified by DONA International.


One baby has a tendency to dramatically affect the lives of new parents, but what about two or three babies?  A postpartum doula is a neutral third party, non-judgmental woman caregiver, with a quiet presence in your home.  Postpartum doulas understand that parents, whether, new or experienced, need time to adjust to their additional responsibilities.  


Childbirth preparation classes may prepare you for the miracle of birth, but not always the reality of life.  Parenthood is a major life transition and the adjustment period feels less overwhelming when doulas are available to address your questions and concerns.  It is for this reason that new families value the help a postpartum doula offers.


Why Choose Us


In Business for 25 years


Over 300 San Diego families served


Certified DONA doula


Certified Lactation Counselor


Experience With Multiples


Start Off Right With Sleep Conditioning

Happy Customers

“We had a post-partum doula for several weeks after our twins were born. Ah-Ling was wonderful. She took care of us as well as our babies for a couple of nights each week. She helped with all aspects of post-partum life and set us on the path to sleep training before she left. She comes with the highest recommendation.”


We could not have survived the first few months with a newborn without Ah-Ling Thayer. Our son was born 5.5 weeks premature and Ah-Ling was our saving grace. We were not prepared and Ah-Ling kindly helped us gradually become more and more comfortable with the transition into parenthood as well as giving us tips on child proofing our house. She helped us in organizing the nursery, recommended various supplies we needed, books to read, and taught us the tools on how to comfort our baby. We were fortunate to have Ah-Ling come at night so mom and dad could catch up on sleep. We have never slept better knowing that our son was in such great hands with Ah-Ling! Our son was having difficulty nursing and referred me to an Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor. Since this is my first baby, I did not know what my son’s mouth should feel like. Ah-Ling watched me nurse and recognized that my baby might be tongue-tied. Her recommendation was spot-on. Our baby had his tongue clipped and now I’m able to successfully nurse him. I am so grateful for Ah-Ling as she helped me through an extremely difficult and emotional time. It was very stressful for me and Ah-Ling kindly got me through it. She is a plethora of knowledge when it comes to babies and a tremendous resource! I highly recommend Ah-Ling and will definitely use her when we have a second child.” 


“Ah-Ling Thayer was my postpartum doula after giving birth to triplets! She was a blessing to me during a time of major transition and challenges. I’m so grateful that I found someone that I could count on, trust with my 3 precious babies and that easily blended into our family. We had excellent communication and I felt that I not only found someone that cared for my triplets through the night, but also answered my parenting questions in an encouraging and gentle manner along the way. Ah-ling will always hold a special place in my heart!”


History of North County Doulas

Rosemary Mason is the founder of North County Doulas and she established this business in 1994. She was a DONA doula trainer and trained many of the doulas in San Diego.   She retired in 2018 and entrusted me with carrying her legacy.